Hello everyone
I hope you all have a lovely Friday..? Today I wanted to share this post with you. This week I was very inspired about happiness and succes, I always think that if I am happy I am succesvol but is that really truth because I see loads of people who are succesvol but not happy. I believe that if you do something that makes you happy and you are doing it for yourself the succes will come anyway. If you are really passionate about something and it makes you really happy then you will turn out to be succesvol just because you can do what you love everyday and it makes you happy. I am also very insecure about my blog and I am thinking a lot of time do other people like it.. But there is really a life lesson in this because I don't have to think about making other people happy I have to make myself happy first so if I love what I am doing and I am really truly passionate about it, I can grow and I can learn and at the end people will see that and appreciate that and at some point I will be succesvol just because I believe in myself and I believe that thats the most important thing in the wold is to believe in yourself and doing the things that you love and that makes you happy because that is the most important thing in your life to be happy and do what you love and the succes will come along but you have to believe in yourself first. This is really something that I have to learn to just enjoy my life do what I love and be happy everyday with what I do and if you asked me, Then you are already succesvol..
Today I would love to share these photos with you, now that its getting colder outside I love to stay at home with my family light up some candles have some yummy treats a nice cup of tea, some beautiful fresh roses and just getting cosy with my little doggie on the couch this is really my happy place and I love to treat myself with some me time just having a moment for myself and doing the things I love with my loved ones I think that it is so important in life to treat yourself and have some little my time… I hope I can inspire you to be happy with doing what you love and have some time for yourself especially on these cold fall days..and I will see you soon with some new inspiration.
Thanks for shopping by and have a lovely Day.
With lots of love and gratitude.