Hello everyone
Today I wanted to share this post with you.. Last year around Christmas I visited Peggy Porschen for the first time and it was such a beautiful experience everything just looked so magical and so beautiful I went with my boyfriend and we made the most beautiful photos you can find that post here. But I really wanted to visit it again because everything just looked amazing and the cakes were so delicious even the hot chocolate that I ordered was one of the best I have ever had.. I was really lucky that I was able to visit it last Summer when I was in London and again everything was decorated so beautifully.. Because it was at the end of Summer everything was decorated like a beautiful summery picnic I really loved the concept, and the cookies and cakes were really delicious. I had the cutest little lemon drizzle cake (that really looked too pretty to eat) and a delicious pink iced cookie I am still dreaming about these delicious goodies. I also had a hot chocolate in the cutest pastel mug.. and I have to say this time was even as magical as the last time and I cannot wait to visit it again really soon. I hope I can inspire you and I will see you soon with some new inspiration.
Thanks for stopping by, and Have a lovely day.
With lots of love and gratitude.