Hello everyone
I am really excited to share this blog post with you today. For as long as I can remember I always love to be creative and I always wanted to have my own little boutique filled with beautiful lace dresses, If you are following me for a while now you will probably know that Lace dresses are my favorite, especially pink and white ones. I always have a love for Vintage dresses beautiful embroidery and beautiful vintage rose designs. It’s not always easy to find beautiful lace dresses with vintage rose designs and when I do find them they will cost me a fortune. I always love to wear beautiful dresses and it has always been a dream of mine to design my own. At the moment I don't really have the sources to start my own clothing line (there are a lot of things involved by this process) But I always loved designing especially beautiful dresses. When I studied Fashion Design at the Artemis Academy in Amsterdam I would love to make Design collection books and Prognoses ( forecasting trends and inspire companies) I finished my school and I had my degree a couple years ago, But now I really feel that I miss designing and making these Fashion books. I have been blogging for a while now and I really noticed that I couldn’t be as creative as I wanted on my blog, So I found that I wasn’t challenged enough not as I used to be as the Fashion School.
So my boyfriend gave me the brilliant idea to make these Collection books myself just to inspire me and hopefully you as well. I decided to make one book per month and you can find my Fashion Collection books under the subject portfolio or by clicking here. I have already made one book called the Pale Rose this was my first attempt and I loved it very much and it really challenged me to be more creative. I also love to make and design my own patterns that's something that I loved to do for a long time. You will see that I use my own style for inspiration which is usually timeless, romantic and effortless you will see a lot of lace fabrics, vintage floral patterns, and ruffles. Most of my designs are inspired by catwalk trends and silhouettes. I just love the creative process and I really hope that I can inspire you as well and who knows maybe one day my dream of having my own clothing line will come true, but I believe that this might be a small step in the right direction. I really hope that I can inspire you and I cannot wait to share my second book: The Royal Affair with you as well, which will come out at the beginning of March. Thank you so much again and I will see you soon with some new inspiration.
Thanks for shopping by, and Have a lovely day. With lots of love and gratitude.